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The Sicilian Wing Gambit de Marcus Schmücker
  • The Sicilian Wing Gambit de Marcus Schmücker

The Sicilian Wing Gambit de Marcus Schmücker

20,00 €

"In his book about the Sicilian Wing Gambit (1.e4 c5 2.b4 cxb43.a3) Marcus Schmücker takes a closer look at a very interest-ing  opening,  which  for  a  long  time  has  been  regarded  as  adaredevil's approach or, at best, as an exotic option to avoid theenormous    theoretical  material  of  the  Sicilian  Defence.  As  amatter of fact, the idea of this gambit is quite serious. By elimi-nating Black's c-pawn and ensuring a swift development of hisqueen side, White wants to obtain positional compensation forthe sacrificed pawn.

The author concentrates on the best answer 3...d5, which en-ables Black to prevent his opponent from building a strong cen-ter with pawns on e4 and d4. The often ensuing sharp tacticalskirmishes in most cases fill white spots on the theoretical maps. White has good chances to obtain advantage early on, whichcan even lead to a quick win if the opponent is completely un-prepared.

Of course, it's not to be expected that the Sicilian Wing Gambitwill be used more often in GM tournaments from now on. Butmaybe the book can encourage more main stream players toinclude this neglected but serious anti-Sicilian weapon in theiropening  repertoire.  Whether  the  popularity  of  this  gambit  willgrow depends, however, on its success in practical games.It's the author's intention to treat all alternatives of the 'standardmove' 3... d5 in a second volume."

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The Sicilian Wing Gambit. 1.e4 c5 2.b4!?

Marcus Schmücker

Joachim Beyer Verlag


134 pages


Fiche technique

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